Our Taking Action platform went artsy! From March 14 till 30 we hosted an art exhibition at the Fashion for Good Experience and auctioned T-shirts for Justdiggit. Keep on reading for more insight info on this project.
The frustration:
We feel that sustainability is still seen as way too much of a utopian idea – almost a chore – and not enough of a genuine feeling-based action. This thought came up when one day we observed a lady throwing her plastic bag into a regular bin because the recycling plastic one was full. After approaching her to find out why, she responded with a short “I don’t have the time”.
It got us thinking: Shouldn’t we be going a little beyond our own convenience
The fact:
We have to change the way people perceive sustainability. It goes beyond an action you feel obliged to do, it must become an action you truly feel a part of.
The idea:
After chatting with that lady, we thought of ideas on how to make people feel sustainable instead of doing it just ‘cos-I-have-to’. And if there’s one thing that will make you feel things, it’s art. So we asked influencers/game changers to each team up with a different artist and create an art piece that reflects their feeling on sustainability. The exhibition was displayed at the Fashion for Good Experience.
The game changers that participated are:
Emanuelle Vos x The Flexican
(Check out the song above, that they created for the expo)
Loes Haverkort x Tess van Zalinge
Kay Greidanus & Tarikh Janssen x Sallie Harmsen & Carmen Schabracq
Roy Berkenhamer x Darrin Umboh
Loulou Machiné x Lisa Konno
The location:
Fashion for Good Experience is world’s first interactive museum for sustainable fashion innovation. This is a space where you can learn how your clothes were made and discover game changing innovations shaping the future of fashion. The goal is to change people’s hearts and minds on how they think about fashion and sustainability. Immerse yourself in stories of game-changing innovation, see new technologies up close and personal, take a closer look at your own buyer behaviour and leave with actionable steps on your Good Fashion journey.
The charity:
But we didn’t stop there: Since our Taking Action platform is all about making a change, we also asked them to create a T-shirt that we auctioned for JustDiggit – an amazing charity that focuses on developing landscape restoration projects on a large scale using community-based rainwater harvesting, agro-forestry and climate resilient agriculture. We raised an amount of €775,-! For more info on JustDiggit, please visit their website: www.justdiggit.org. They can use your support.
Some pics to give you an idea of the expo: